AC/DC, the journey to becoming a legend and symbol of the world’s Rock music industry

AC/DC, the journey to becoming a legend and symbol of the world’s Rock music industry

AC/DC, the iconic rock band hailing from Australia, has etched its name in the annals of rock history, transforming from a local sensation into a global legend. The group’s journey to superstardom is a testament to their raw talent, electrifying performances, and unwavering commitment to their unique brand of rock ‘n’ roll.

Formed in 1973 by brothers Angus and Malcolm Young, AC/DC began their career by playing in local clubs in Sydney. Their distinctive sound, characterized by Angus’s electrifying guitar riffs and Bon Scott’s charismatic vocals, quickly garnered attention. Their breakthrough came with the release of “High Voltage” in 1976, an album that introduced the world to their electrifying rock anthems.

Tragedy struck when Bon Scott passed away in 1980, but the band’s resilience led to the recruitment of Brian Johnson as the new lead vocalist. The resulting album, “Back in Black,” became a global phenomenon and an enduring classic.

AC/DC’s relentless touring and legendary performances made them a household name, and their albums like “Highway to Hell” and “For Those About to Rock” solidified their status as rock gods. The thunderous power of their music and their signature stage presence electrified fans across the world.

With over 200 million albums sold worldwide, a slew of timeless hits, and a place in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, AC/DC’s journey from local legends to global icons is nothing short of legendary. They remain a force to be reckoned with, proving that rock ‘n’ roll will forever echo through the ages, and AC/DC will forever be celebrated as true rock legends.