HAVE A NICE WEEKEND: Metallica’s James Hetfield takes advantage of his free weekend to enjoy the calm ocean waves in the California suburbs

As the weekend rolls around, Metallica’s iconic frontman, James Hetfield, embraces a change of pace from the adrenaline-fueled world of rock and roll. With a break in his hectic schedule, Hetfield seizes the opportunity to unwind and recharge by indulging in a serene escape to the tranquil ocean waves of the California suburbs.

Away from the stage lights and roaring crowds, Hetfield finds solace in the gentle rhythm of the sea. Donning his casual attire, he trades his electric guitar for a surfboard, ready to ride the waves and immerse himself in the therapeutic embrace of the ocean.


As he paddles out into the vast expanse of blue, Hetfield’s mind clears, and the stresses of everyday life melt away. With each wave he conquers, he feels a sense of freedom and exhilaration, reconnecting with the raw energy of nature that fuels his creative spirit.


The California suburbs offer a picturesque backdrop for Hetfield’s weekend retreat, with golden sands stretching as far as the eye can see and palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze. Against this serene tableau, he finds moments of introspection and inspiration, allowing his thoughts to wander and his imagination to roam free.

In between surf sessions, Hetfield takes leisurely strolls along the shore, breathing in the salty sea air and soaking up the warmth of the sun. He relishes the simple pleasures of beach life, from building sandcastles with his family to enjoying a casual picnic by the water’s edge.


As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, casting a golden glow across the ocean, Hetfield takes a moment to reflect on the beauty of the world around him. With a grateful heart and a renewed sense of vitality, he bids farewell to the ocean, knowing that he will carry its calming influence with him long after the weekend has ended.

For James Hetfield, this weekend retreat serves as a reminder of the importance of balance and self-care in the midst of a demanding career. As he prepares to return to the stage and the spotlight, he carries with him the rejuvenating power of the ocean, ready to channel its strength and serenity into his music and his life.