Ex-Arsenal Bacary Sagna relaxes in Miami with his wife

Bacary Sagna is having a vacation before the new season after joining the Premier League winners and playing in the World Cup in Brazil.

Sagna and his wife Ludivine were in Miami enjoying the sun as his Manchester City colleagues played a preseason friendly against Hearts.

As the two played in the water and basked in the sun, the defender appeared at ease.

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After eight years at Arsenal, Sagna agreed to join City on a £150,000-a-week deal. He disputes that he departed due to financial reasons. Sagna was an ancillary member of the World Cup team.

I keep reading that I did it for money and that I’m greedy, so I’m going to clear everything up, he added.

What I mean is that I haven’t requested for a raise because I’ve been with Arsenal on the same deal since 2008.

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