Arsenal Manager Mikel Arteta Honored with Prestigious Award by the King of Spain

Mikel Arteta, manager of Arsenal, has been bestowed the esteemed Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic by his native Spain, a fitting tribute to his immense impact on the country and its diplomatic ties.

An esteemed Spanish civil award of chivalry and honor, the Royal award of Isabella the Catholic was bestowed by the King of Spain and the Grand Chancellor, who is also the Minister of Foreign Affairs. This honor, which has been bestowed upon select persons and organizations since its establishment in 1815, is given to those who are thought to have done outstanding work for Spain or who have promoted international cooperation and ties.

At the Spanish Embassy in London, Arteta was bestowed this prestigious award in the presence of his loved ones and prominent Arsenal personalities who had assembled to witness this historic event.

“I am both humbled and honored to receive The Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic,” Arteta said in his acceptance speech, expressing his thanks. My deepest appreciation goes out to the Spanish monarch and the foreign minister, the Grand Chancellor.

“To receive this award today at the Embassy of Spain in London, alongside so many individuals who have inspired me throughout my life, is an incredibly wonderful moment.”

Arteta showed his deepest gratitude to his family and other loved ones by dedicating the prize to them, recognizing their significant part in his journey.

“It is a pleasure to bestow the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Isabel la Catolica to Mikel Arteta,” said Jose Pascual Marco, the Spanish ambassador to the UK, who praised the choice to honor Arteta.

“As a manager at Arsenal, he has demonstrated exceptional leadership and superb sportsmanship throughout his illustrious career as a football player for Spain, the United Kingdom, and the international team.”

In a tribute to Arteta, who is adored and revered in both the Spanish and British football communities, Marco highlighted his impact on bridging the gap between the two countries via the shared language of football.